・ Click the button displayed on the screen to proceed with the operation.・ You can organize up to 5 characters that you have made friends with.The game is over when the HP of all the parties reaches 0.・ When you do each action, the partys HP and time will be consumed.・ If you act for 24 hours, the next day will be the next day and food will be consumed.If you dont have enough food, everyones HP will decrease.・ Press the save button to save the game data.Also, it will be saved automatically every time one day passes or an event occurs.I think you should also refer to the in-game help.So while acting so that HP and food do not become zeroIts a game that feels like aiming for clearing (its fairly severe)Clearing conditions differ depending on each modeBorrowed material・ Dairi-san and Haruka-sans Touhou character standing picture material・ Amacha Music Studio